Product details

The CRS Car Registry System is a WordPress plugin that consists of a number of modules.

Overview of modules

Module Explanation
Free version With this free plugin you can manage the most important functions that are required for managing a Car Registry. It consists of following functions:

  • registration of owned cars by members
  • validations (for members) and data quality reports for registry managers
  • currently available in Dutch, English and Spanish, more language versions on request
PRO version This plugin helps you to improve the data quality of your registry.

  • definition of settings per brand, car type and subtype and data quality to verify the alignment with these settings
  • additional attributes to be defined and filled
  • export functions for information in the registry
  • additional export functions for the additional data as part of the PRO version
  • use of pictures per car
  • link to official car registry authorities if available (NL)
Migration add-on If you already have a lot of data in your current system and want to migrate this data to the new environment this add-on will be very helpful. It enables you to import your existing data into your instance of CRS
Connectors All modules mentioned above are related to a standard WordPress version. But there are also websites that have a modified user administraation with additional features. In some cases it is required to build a dedicated interface to be able to align with those additional features. An existing example is a connector with S2 Member. But be aware it always needs to be tuned to your website implementation

Of course all modules are fully supported and new development is an ongoing process. So do not hesitate to drop in additional requirements. Normally this could lead to a broad implementation of an extended version, but could also lead to tailor made adjustments.